Featuring Coach Knight, Communities and Schools site coordinator, Cody High Dean of Culture and football coach. This piece was made in collaboration with Jennifer Guerra for her documentary radio story by the same name.stateofopportunity.michiganradio.org/post/mister-knights-neighborhood-documentary, apiaryprojects.com,michiganradio.org

Cody High School, Detroit Michigan. This video features Kaylan, a student being mentored by Coach Knight, who is featured in Jennifer Guerra's radio documentary for Michigan Radio titled "Mister Knight's Neighborhood".stateofopportunity.michiganradio.org/post/mister-knights-neighborhood-documentary, michiganradio.org, apiaryprojects.com

Cody High School, Detroit Michigan. This video features Kevin, a student being mentored by Coach Knight, who is featured in Jennifer Guerra's radio documentary for Michigan Radio titled "Mister Knight's Neighborhood". Listen to the entire audio piece here: stateofopportunity.michiganradio.org/post/mister-knights-neighborhood-documentary.